for its improvement. Indeed, true discipline in a workplace should be easier when the workers understand what they are doing, what their objective is, and when they know that they have oontnbuted to the final result as fully respected partners. | ~ 5. This means that, quite apart from the workers’ committees % < which now exist, and which discuss conditions of service, war- nings, and dismissals of workers, etc., there must be provision for the workers to be represented on bodies which consider matters of production, sales, and the general organisation of the enterprise. It has therefore been decided that all parastatal organisations shall, as soon as possible and in any case not later than the end of 1970, establish Workers’ Councils, and shall establish or re- -establish their Executive Committees and Boards of Directors so as to give practical effect to workers’ representation and participation in planning, productivity, quality, and marketing matters. VThese new Workers' Councils do not affect the existence or the functions of | the Workers' Committees. Their job is very different: it is to fur- ther industrial democracy in relation to the economic functions of the enterprise, and give the workers a greater and more direct responsibility in production. It is in other words, intended that the new Workers’ Councils, and the reconstituted Executive Com- L‘ mittees and Boards of Directors, shall contribute to the general welfare of our nation by helping the efficiency and the ef- fectiveness of our public enterprise. They will do this by ensuring | that all workers in these enterprises understand and accept the practical implications of their responsibility to their fellow workers and peasants in other sectors of the Tanzanian economy. ( - e 6. The functions and the constitution of these bodies will be as follows:— Workers’ Councils 7. Every Public Corporation or firm employing more than ten workers shall establish a Workers' Council which shall be con- stituted as follows: (@ A TANU Chairman of the Branch established at the business. (b) The Manager or the General Manager. (c) Al Heads of Departments or Sections. (d) All Members of the Workers’ Committee. 155