quality output. And they will realise that, as they do their work, they are marking a positive contribution to the success of Tan- zania's target which can only be made up of all the different targets of our factories, farms and offices. , 2 Given a proper work environment, and proper co-operation ! and support from their leaders and fellows, the majority of Tan- zanian workers are capable of accepting more responsibility, and would like to do so; they can become more creative and can ac- ; complish more. Easy communication of ideas and information \between workers, and between workers and all levels of management, can have the effect of improving the quality and quantity of goods produced, provided that an atmosphere of com- mon endeavour and common responsibility is created. In par- ticular, the top management must have an attitude which regards the workers and the lower levels of management as partners in a common enterprise, and not just as tools like the machines they work with. 3. It is now time for us to take positive steps to encourage such developments throughout the modern sector of the economy, where it is only too easy for the workers to be looked upon as a special kind of ‘factor of production’ instead of as the major part of the enterprise. Until now, such an attitude has tended to exist in both public and private undertakings in Tanzania. For when we first began to own industrial and agricultural enterprises as a com- munity, and especially when we expanded public ownership so rapidly after the Arusha Declaration, we inevitably and rightly concentrated first on the sheer mechanics of setting up, or taking over, economic concerns. We therefore followed in our public en- terprises the same work customs as we had leamed from the traditional capitalist enterprises — a strict hierarchy of industrial discipline and a strict hierarchy of ideas promotion, with just a suggestions box put in for the occasional use of the more daring junior workers. Industrial discipline is, of course, necessary at all times in any ¥ % F:conomic or social enterprise, whether it is publicly or privately | owned. We shall make no progress if we ignore that need. But | true industrial discipline does not exclude the workers in an in- dustry from participation in the enterprise, or from a responsibility 154