strike action. This is not because we would like to glorify strikes or to suggest that this is the only kind of activity that has been conducted by the workers. The point about strikes is that they are very important in the development of a working class. A strike, moreover, opens the eyes of the workers to the nature, not only of the capitalists, but of government and the laws as well. . . Strikes, therefore, teach the workers to unite, they show them that they can struggle against the capitalist only when they are united, strikes teach the workers to think of the struggle of the whole working class against the whole class of factory owners and against the arbitrary, police government. This is the reason that socialists call strikes ‘a school of war', a school in which the workers learn to make war on their enemies for the liberation of the whole people, of all who labour, from the yoke of government officials and from the yoke of capital.'® But in Tanzania such activity of the workers as there has been | has generally been spontaneous and sporadic. It means therefore | that it has serious limitations, for spontaneity has never been, nor can it be, a revolutionary path. ; Notes i . JF. Rweyemamu — Underdevelopment and Industrialization in Tanzania ! (Nairobi: Oxford University Press 1973) p. 41. , 2. Annual Medical Report 1924, quoted in ibid., p.19 i 3. J. lliffe, ‘A History of the Dockworkers of Dar es Salaam® Tanzania Noies and Records No. 71 (1970), p. 124-5. 4. Ibid, p. 124-5 5. A.H. Amsden, Iniernational Firms and Labour in Kenya: 1945-70 (London; frank Cass & Co. Ltd. 1971), p. 26. 6. W.H. Friedland, ‘The Institutionalisation of Labour Protest in Tanganyika and Some Resultant Problems’, J. Middleton (ed.) Black Africa (New York: MacMillan Company 1970) p. 370. 7. Ibid., J. lliffe, op. cit. 8. A. H. Amsden, op. cil. 9"/ Tbid; i 3L, 0. W.H. Friedland Vuia Kamba: The Development of Trade Unions in Tanganyika (Stanford University, 1969) p. 75. 1. Ibid; P. Patel, Trade Unions, State and Party’, p. 2 12. M.A. Bienefeld, ‘Planning People’, Uchumi Editorial Board (eds.) Towards Socialist Planning (Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Publishing House 1972) 13. P. Patel, op. cit, p- 9. 14. Ibid, p. 16. - S e = 149