watching his every move. But he is not totally on his own — if he has problem and needs outside help to solve them quickly he knows where he can turn Such an arrangement keeps control of the factory and all its operations in local hands. There is no possibility of accounting fid- dles to benefit some overseas company. The Tea Authority retains the last word on what should be done (it can and has rejected some of the advice given). Central services such as sales and provision of accounting systems can be provided by the Tea Authority headquarters. A similar visiting arrangement has been negotiated for Lupembe estate and factory, and under it in less than two years the operation has been pulled out of debt and is now being ex- panded. For the Tukuyu factory George Williamson have agreed to supply similar services. These companies know that their per- formances as visiting agents will be compared, and in any case they have no obvious incentive to give advice which is not of the best. So far their experience has proved to be of great value to the Tea Authority, and this is reflected in the encouraging per- formances (not least with regard to quality of tea) of both the Mponde and the Lupembe factories. It is, however, important to note that the Authority has now started an organised management training programme (involving work and study in a variety of tea factories) which will produce fully experienced Tanzanian managers. In future there will be no need to take the risk that was taken in starting the Mponde fac- tory. If full management agreements are so open to abuse, what con- clusion should we draw? We should not for example conclude that all that is required is better legal drafting of the agreements. No doubt this would help in that it would give the Tanzanian majorities on the Boards of Directors the authority to prevent abuses once they discovered them. But we have seen that the number of possible abuses is very large, and that whoever has day to day control of a factory has many opportunities for concealing things from even an attentive Board of Directors. Nor can we conclude that if different companies had been chosen as partners the picture would have been very different. 0O.C.C for example was part of a very reputable Dutch engineering consortium, and this (together with other experiences from 105