In conclusion the adviser noted the rooms were badly main- tained and dirty; that the standard of food was deteriorating; that prices were too high compared to the Nairobi Hilton and that while the Tanzanian staff were willing and cheerful, service was poor due to inadequate supervision. ‘It is a hotel which is being run on a shoestring as though the operator were anxious to squeeze the maximum out before the competition gets too strong.’ The fact that Mlonot made profits while the hotel and the Government made losses did not pass un-noticed. As early as December 1970 the Government was reported to be trying to renegotiate the agreement. A little progress was made in recruiting Tanzanians into top management positions. However, their training (rubbing elbows with the expatriates?) did not make them polular with the workers. On 4th April 1972 two of them, Mr. Micky Mdoe the Assistant General Manager and Mr. A.T. Gondwe the Reception Manager were accused by the workers of favouritism and of using abusive language, and there was a five-hour strike in which the workers were demanding the suspension of the two Tan- zanians and one expatriate. A few days later the attempt of the Milonot management to exchange the three officials with three from the Africana brought the Africana to a standstill for twenty hours. The TANU Chairman at the Kilimanjaro, Mr. Hemedi Saidi, accused the management of failure to recognise or work with either the workers’ Committee or the TANU Branch, while the Chairman of the Africana Workers’ Committee, Mr. Zyambo said that the proposed transfer of the officials had not been discussed by the Workers’ Committee. Mr. Zyambo indicated that the workers were well aware of the abuses between the Kiliman- jaro and the Africana by showing his employment card stamped ‘Kilimanjaro Hotel’. He claimed that the majority of the Africana workers were in fact employees of the Kilimanjaro. Mr. Saidi got so angry that he told the Assistant Commissioner for Labour that had it been possible he would have asked the President of TANU to ask all members of the Party to contribute 50 cents each to pay off the outstanding amount of money Tanzania owes to the Israelis ‘rather than be abused like animals in our own country’.* Mr. Saidi's prayer was answered on 6th October 1972 when the Government announced termination of the management agreement with Milonot, and that the Tanzania Tourist 101