aggressive foreign salesman who has some machinery to sell sets the ball rolling and probably also offers to do the feasibility sur- vey, etc. Some financial corporations have their own consultancy depart- ments to ‘fish’ out new areas of investment and give other ‘ser- vices’. Thus for instance, T.D.F.L. (discussed above) has a ‘Project Constancy Department’, which according to one report, ** ‘should be of great help to the local entrepreneurs’. (3) LEVERAGE OF THE HOME STATE. The foreign partner — the multinational corporations do not stand alone but in various ways are backed by their home states. Thus, besides the political leverage that the home state exerts, it is often the case that a loan from the foreign partner is secured by the home government, or the purchase of machinery and equip- ment is backed by suppliers’ credit. In these cases, there is every reason to believe that the foreign state can in important ways af- fect the destination of particular investment. In fact reliance on foreign finance from such institutions as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation very much affect the pattern of investment of the recipient countries. These institutions have their own ideas about the types of investments that should be made in the ‘third world no different from those of the multinational cor- porations. 44 All in all, association with multinational corporations plays a decisively influential role in structuring the pattern of investment, i.e. the mode of utilisation of the economic surplus—thereby deciding the direction of development. And as we have shown, this is in the direction of reinforcing the externally-oriented economy. Therefore whatever ‘development’ that takes place is in fact the development of underdevelopment. THE TECHNOLOGICAL UNDERDEVELOPMENT One of the chief arguments of the protagonists of partnership with foreign corporations is that it helps the underdeveloped coun- try to get the necessary technology and train skilled manpower and managerial personnel. We propose to deal with the question of the importation of technology through partnership with a multinational corporation from two important aspects: (1) What is the extent of technology imported, and the technical skills 60