The third and probably the most important form of partnership is where a public corporation, its subsidiary or its associate, enters into a Management/Service Agreement with a multinational cor- poration. The Management/Service Agreement embraces General Management Agency Agreement; Consultancy Agreement; Licen- sing Agreement; Marketing and Sales Agreement; Purchasing agreement, etc. These agreements are not mutually exclusive and in practice they are found in varied combinations. In each case, it is possible that the Management Agent also participates in the equity of the company in which case we would have Partnership- Management Agreement, Partnership-Consultancy Agreement, etc. The duration of the management contracts depends on the mutual agreement of the parties and may even be automatically renewable. Remuneration of the Managing Agents varies too. It may take, among others, one of the following forms, singly or in combination: 1. Commission fees; . percentage of net sales or turnover; . percentage of profit before taxes; . percentage of profit after tax and depreciation; fixed fee; purchase of machinery, equipment, etc. payment for travelling, board and lodging expenses; 8. royalty for patent, trade mark usage, etc. Again it is quite common to provide in such agreements that the payment will be made wholly or partly in foreign, named currency. In a number of cases the agreements stipulate the governing law and in a substantial number, this is foreign law. In certain cases, the Arbitration Clauses provide for the venue (London, Paris, etc.), and even the Tribunal (International Chamber of Com- merce, Paris, etc.). The various forms of partnership and the different types of Management/Service Agreements are well illustrated in the case of the Tanzanian Public Corporation. The N.D.C. and the State Trading Corporation (S.T.C.) have themselves employed one of the giant American consultant firms. McKinsey & Co. Inc., for whose services between 1968 and 1971 they together paid over seven million shillings.® Thanks to McKinsey, N.D.C. has one of the best public relations departments as illustrated in its glossy 44