23, 26. 28. 29. 30. S 32, 33¢ 34. 35. 36. 37 38. 39, 40. 41. 42. 43. 38 Ibid P. 36 P.C. Packard ‘Corporate structure and Socialist Development in Tanzania’, (Mimeo, Dar es Salaam 1971) See for instance John Loxley ‘Financial Planning and Control in Tanzania’, op. cit. See John Gurley op. cit, P. 37. Edith Penrose, ‘Some Problems of Policy in the Management of the Parastatal Sector in Tanzania: A Comment’, The African Review Vol.l No. 3 January 197229 50; V.N. Carvhalo ‘The Control of Managing Agents in Tanzania in Parastatal Organisations with special reference to the N.D.C' Mimeo. Jenga No. 10 P. 47. Packard, op. cit PP. 6 - 7. The Economic Survey and Annual Plan 1970-71, op. cit, P. 90. Speech by the Minister for Finance introducing the Estimates of Public Revenue & Expenditure for 1972/73 to the National Assembly on 15th June, 1932 P 033 ‘Mckinsey Report’ by Christopher Walker in Business Observer 9th August 1970, "P:%. Ibid. Mramba and Mwansasu, op. cit. P. 45. The Tanzania Sisal Corporation has drastically increased efficiency since nationalisation, has cut back expatriate staff to a bare handful, has been ex- tremely successful in developing Tanzanian talent from within the corporation and has excellent worker-manager relations. It has also managed to earn a cash surplus in its last two years of operation in spite of adverse world markets for sisal. If any form of shadow pricing was in operation for foreign exchange it would undoubtedly be seen to be one of the most ‘profitable’ companies although it has a low-key approach to publicity and hence is regarded as a ‘poor relation’ compared with the more ‘glamorous’ public relations oriented (but much less successful) parastatals. The banks and the N.M.C. are also generally very well organised: they have forward looking training policies and on the whole have been very innovative. See V.N. Carvhalo, op. cit For details of the gross mismanagement of these companies see articles in The Standard, December 20th 1970 (Kilimanjaro Hotel) and January 26th, 27th and 28th 1971. See 1. Shivji ‘Silent Class Struggle' op. cit. The Standard, 26th January 1971: ‘Mecco and the Myth of Management'. TANU, Mwongozo/ The TANU Guidelines (Dar es Salaam, 1971). ‘TANU Move to Tighten Hold on the Economy’, The Standard, June 17th 1971.