14. 15. 16. 20. 2L 2L, Research Bureau Paper 9.12 (mimeo, Dar es Salaam, 1969). This is a theme to which we will return in much more detail in the following section. Issa Shivji, ‘The Silent Class Struggle’ (Tanzania Studies No. 2, Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam 1973). For an account of the reactionary role played by the Harvard group in In- donesia see David Ransom ‘The Berkeley Mafia and the Indonesian Massacre’, in Ramparts. For an excellent study of the underlying, ‘moder- nisation’, theory of their approach see ‘Who's afraid of Development Economics’. This phrase is used by John Gurley in his very suggestive article, ‘Maoist Economics’, Monthly Review, XXII, 9 (February, 1971). Cf. Henry Mapolu, ‘The Organisation and Participation of Workers in Tan- the Class Struggle in Tanzania’ in Cliffe and Saul (eds.), op.cit, Volume 1. John S. Saul, ‘Planning for Socialism in Tanzania: the Socio-Political Context'’ in Uchumi Editorial Board, Towards Socialist Planning (Tanzania Studies No. 1. Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam, 1972). The possible uses of this tripartite distinction — between ‘technical’ ‘mechanical’ and ‘contextual’ dimensions — as a key to structuring more meaningful discussion of planning in Tanzania has been spelled out in J.S. Saul ‘Planning for Socialism in Tanzania: The Socio-Political Context’ op cit. For an elaboration of this point see J. Loxley ‘Financial Planning and Control in Tanzania' in Uchumi Editorial Board, Towards Socialist Planning op. cit. See Jenga’ No. 10, Dar es Salaam 1971, P. 47. Ibid., P. 47. Speech by Minister for Finance at opening of diploma courses in the Institute of Finance Management Dar es Salaam July 10th 1973). See Hon. A.M. Babu, the then Minister for Economic Affairs and Develop- ment Planning, Tanzania Supplement of Financial Times, Thursday December 9th 1971. This article argues for an ‘inward looking™ development strategy and should be compared with the argument for greater emphasis on primary exports by the Minister for Finance, Hon. A.H. Jamal, in his Budget Speech, June 1971 (Government Printer, Dar es Salaam). G. Kahama in interview with ‘Face the People’, Sunday News, February 20th 1972. The Economic Survey and Annual Plan 197071 (Government Printer, Dar es Salaam) P. 90. Jenga No. 10 1971, P. 19 G. Kahama in interview with Sunday News, op. cit Basil Mramba and Bismarck Mwansasu ‘Management for Socialist Develop- ment in Tanzania: The case of the N.D.C in Tanzania’, The African Review Vol 1 No. 3, January 1 72, P. 36. 37