PREFACE The articles compiled here were written at different times and for different purposes. Each, therefore, has its own specificity both in content and in form. But all relate to the crucial issues of the position of workers in Tanzania, the question of managing public enterprises and the role of multinational corporations in this. They deal with the whole relationship between workers and management at enterprise level—and more specifically the im- portant issue of workers’ participation in management. Events in Tanzania move so fast that the material presented here cannot claim to have exhausted the topic. More particularly the most critical issues raised by the workers themselves in the eventful period of 1971-74 would have much improved the volume had they been covered fully. But the most interesting thing about this collection is that the problems it deals with form the groundwork that has very much determined the trend of events in Tanzania's socio-economic reality. It is thus hoped that this volume will foster greater and perhaps more precise investigation of the issues raised here as an on-going process. H.M. Dar es Salaam February 1975. vii