RAINER MARIA RILKE and lift you up ; a feeling is impure which takes hold of only one side of your being and so distorts you. Everything that you could think in the light of your childhood is good. Everything which makes more of you than you have previously been in your best hours, is right. Every exaltation is good if it is in your whole blood, if it is not intoxication or turbidness, but joy into whose depths you can see. Do you understand what I mean : And your doubt can become a good quality if you train it. It must become aware, it must become criticism. Ask it, whenever it wants to spoil something for you, why something is ugly, demand proofs from it, test it, and you will perhaps find it helpless and nonplussed, perhaps also aggressive. But do not give way, demand arguments and conduct yourself thus care- fully and consistently every single time, and the day will dawn when it will become, instead of a subverter, one of your best workmen,—perhaps the cleverest of all who are building at your life. ; That is all, dear Herr Kappus, that I am able to say to you today. But I am sending you by the same post the off-print of a little composition 22 which has just appeared in the Prague Deutsche Arbeit. There I speak to you further of life and of death, and of the greatness and splendour of both. Yours : RAINER MARIA RILKE. X Paris,* the second day of Christmas 1908. You must know, dear Herr Kappus, how glad I was to have that beautiful letter from you. The news which you give me, real and expressible as it now again is, seems to me good, and the longer I have considered it, the more I have felt that it is 42