RAINER MARIA RILKE We are really only just beginning to regard the relationship of a human individual to another individual dispassionately and objectively, and our attempts to live such a relationship have no pattern before them. And yet in the passage of time there are 'now several things that are ready to help our shy novitiate. The girl and the woman in their new, individual unfolding will be only transient imitators of bad or good masculine behaviour, and repeaters of masculine professions. After the uncertainty of such transitions it will be seen that women have passed through the exuberance and vicissitudes of those (often ridiculous) disguises, only in order to purify their most essential being from the distorting influences of the other sex. Surely women, in whom life tarries and dwells more immediately, fruitfully and confidently, must have become fundamentally more mature human beings, more human human beings, than light man, whom the weight of no body’s fruit pulls down beneath the surface of life, who, conceited and rash as he is, underrates what he thinks he loves. This humanity of woman, brought forth in pains and degradations, will come to light when she has shed the conventions of mere femininity in the altera- tions of her outward station, and the men who today do not feel it coming will be surprised and struck by it. One day (for this there are already reliable signs speaking and shining, especially in the northern countries ), one day the girl will be here and the woman whose name will no longer signify merely the opposite of masculinity, but something in itself, something which makes us think of no complement or limitation, but only of life and existence,— : the feminine human being. This step forward will (very much against the wishes of out- stripped man to begin with) change the love experience that now is full of error, alter it fundamentally, refashion it into a relationship meant to be between one human being and another, no longer between man and wife. And this more human love (which will consummate itself infinitely thoughtfully and gently, and well and clearly in binding and loosing) will be 34