RAINER MARIA RILKE and knew that it would come. Now it has come I cannot appease it, I can only advise you to consider whether all professions are not like that, full of demands, full of hostility against the indi- vidual, saturated so to say with the hatred of those who have reconciled themselves mutely and morosely to their own insipid duty. The situation in which you now have to live is no more heavily burdened with convention, prejudice and error than all the other situations, and if there are some which make parade of a greater freedom, there is certainly none which is in itself wide and spacious and related to the great things of which real life consists. Only the individual who is solitary is brought like a thing 1 under the deep laws, and when a man steps out into the morning that is just beginning, or looks out into the evening that is full of happenings, and when he feels what is coming to pass there, then all rank drops from him as from a dead man, . although he is standing in the midst of sheer life! What you now, dear Herr Kappus, have to experience as an officer, you would have felt similarly in every profession that exists, even if you had sought only easy and independent contacts in society, apart from any occupation, this oppressive feeling would not have been spared you. It is the same everywhere ; but that is no reason for anxiety or depression; if there is no communion between other people and yourself, try to be near things, which will not desert you ; the nights are still there, and the winds that go through the trees and over many lands; among things and with the animals everything is still full of happening, in which you may take a part; and the children are still as you were in childhood, as sad and happy—and when you think of your childhood you are living among them again, among the solitary children, and the grown-ups are nothing, and thc1r dignity has no worth. And if it dismays and torments you to think of childhood and of the simplicity and stillness that goes with it, because you can no longer believe in God who is to be met with everywhere there, ask yourself, dear Herr Kappus, whether you have after 28