RAINER MARIA RILKE the individual can clarify them for himself and live clearly, (or if not the individual, who is too dependent, then at any rate the solitary man.) He can remember that all beauty in animals and plants is a quiet enduring form of love and longing, and he can see the animal, as he sees the plant, patiently and willingly uniting a‘rllil/wtmg_iudflmd_gmm%_mfiom,physmal luwwm%&m which are greatW@amfindmpOWflful than will and (zpposmon O that man might be more humble in acceptmg this s¢crm_iwh@migarth is full even in its tiniest creatures, and more sincere in bearing, enduring and feehng how fright- fully serious it is, instead of taking it lightly. That he might be reverent towards his fertility, which is all one whether it be intellectual or physical ; for intellectual creation too derives from the physical, is of one substance with it, it is only like a gentler, more enraptured and everlasting repetition of bodily delight. “The thought of being a creator, of begetting and forming™ is nothing without its continual great confirmation and realization in the world, nothing without the thousandfold assent from things and animals,—and its enjoyment is so indescribably beautiful and rich only because it is full of inherited memories of the begetting and bearing of millions. In one creator’s thought a thousand forgotten nights of love revive again and fill it full of loftiness and grandeur. Those who come together in the night time and entwine in swaying delight perform a serious work and gather up sweetness, depth and strength for the song of some poet that is to be, who will rise to tell of unspeakable bliss. And they summon the future ; and even though they go astray and embrace blindly, yet the future comes, a new human being arises, and on the basis of the chance occurrence which here seems consummated, awakens the law by which a resistant vigorous seed forces its way to the egg-cell that advances openly to meet it. Do not let yourself be misled by outward appearances ; in the depths everything becomes law. And those who live the secret falsely and badly (and they are very many) only lose it 22