RAINER MARIA RILKE able, unconscious, inaccessible to your own understanding, and to await with deep humility and patience the hour of birth of a new clarity : that is alone what living as an artist means: in understanding as in creation. There is no measuring by time there, a year there has no meaning, and ten years are nothing. To be an artist means : not to reckon and count ; to ripen like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of Spring without fear lest no Summer might come after. It does come. But it comes only to the patient ones, who are there as if eternity lay in front of them, so unconcernedly still and far. I am learning it daily, learning it through pains to which I am grateful : patience is all ! Ricuarp DenMEL ?: I feel about his books (and incidentally about the man too, whom I know slightly) that when I have found one of his lovely pages I am always afraid of the one that follows, which may ruin everything again and turn what is charming into something unworthy. You have characterized him quite well in the phrase “living and writing in heat”.—And in point of fact artistic experience really lies so incredibly close to sexual, to its agony and its ecstasy, that both phenomena are actually only different forms of one and the same longing and felicity. And if instead of heat one might speak of—sex, sex in the large, wide, pure sense, without any slur of ecclesiastical error, his art would be very great and infinitely important. His poetic strength is great, and strong as a primitive impulse, it has its own uncompromising rhythms within itself, and gushes out as if from a mountain side. But it seems that this strength is not always quite sincere and without pose. (But that is just one of the most difficult tests with a creator : he must always remain unconscious, unsuspecting of his best virtues, if he does not want to deprive them of their unselfconsciousness and integrity!) And then, when it comes rushing through his being into sexuality, it finds there a man not quite so pure as it required him to be. There it sees no 18