Surgical Observations Several ewes have been operated upon to exteriorise the uterus so as to observe its motility, it any, resulting from genital stimulation. This treatment has been carried out in subjects in all the various phases of oestrus. It has been tfound that uterine motility is readily stimulated in the anaesthetised animal by local genital stimulation during oestrus and metoestrus. This uterine motility takes the form of successions ot annular constrictions in the anterior part of each uterine horn. These constrictions have the effect of building up the pressure of fluid at the utero-tubal junction. This clearly is a mechanism in the transportation of spermatozoa after mating. Conclusions The ways in which the male animal can influence the breeding responses in the female are clearly various and include general and specitic activities. The latter are involved in genital stimulation. The effects of the male stimulus in the female are various. In some instances the effect is delayed, improved oestrus manifestation and fertility occurring after a latent period. In other instances the effect is immediate as, tfor example, when local genital stimulation accelerates uterine motility. References Coleman, J.M. (1950). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 61, 440. Coleman, J.M. (1951). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 62, 318. Nersesjan, S.S. (1959).