Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II Fertility results from eggs laid during days 2 to 8 inclusive after a single insemination o———_——’__—__—-_-_-—__-__-_——_———.——_—‘o : : : Fertility (%) : : :Experimentf Hr of ° + ¢ Fert. s : : storage: proups : Hens : . . e S R E. T (%) : : ¢ 26 o B B0 - 9 9o tioppttiaGhEe : 1 ~ " “AB = 75 82 99 00'0 87 & el : g FE= oY 63 B9 v 8L 70 & o S e e : s 257 . 05 88 M0 . g9 60 Bt S Eia . 2 o3 A8 Liel 85 76 9070 G3flaodiiies] L ¢ T2 - 50 BT -91° Sp-FHoiaTl Sl g T e e . of 2w 5091 TG GRG0 F B (S0 5 I e 8- B0 Y 00 el Tie . ., 08— . £ SR o 8h B0 %6 66 -89 b5 . I8N :_'——r'——_"'!—_—'_'———'——;—"———r—-——o :Undiluted , : : : : I oontrol e s ity 90 idbniTen o s - 10 el . . . + An average of 12 hens and 55 eggs per group. ++ Average values with common letters are not signifi- cantly different from each other (P <0.05). REFERENCES BURROWS, W.H. and QUINN, J.P. (1935) A method of obtaining spermatozoa from the domestic fowl. Ponilit SRS cdS e i aso 5 a0 DUNCAN, D.B. (1955) Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics. PROUDFOOT, F.G. (1966) The influence of oxygen and other gases on the fertilizing ability of fowl semen held for several hours at 10°C in Cryovac enclosures. Poult. Sci. 45, 443. PROUDFOOT, F.G. and STEWART, D.K.R. (1967) The ef- fect of oxygen and type of container on the re- tention of the fertilizing capacity of fowl sper- matozoa stored in vitro. J. Reprod. Fert. 13, 251. SNEDECOR, G.W. (1950) Statistical methods. VAN WAMBEKE, F. (1967) The storage of fowl sperma- tozoa. 1. Preliminary results with new diluents. J. Reprod. Fexrt. 13, 571. 1647