Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I| THE EFFECT OF AN OXYGENATED STORAGE MEDIUM ON THE FERTILIZING CAPACITY OF FOWL SPERMATOZOA STORED FOR DIFFERENT PERIODS F. VAN WAMBEKE' Government Research Station for Small Stock Husbandry, Belgium In a recent report (Van Wambeke, 1967), methods were described for the storage of fowl spermatozoa for 24 hr into two diluents. Semen was stored in glass tubes of 10 ml capa- city which were stoppered with either rubber or cotton wool. In all trials the combined volume of semen and diluent never exceeded 3 ml, thus, the atmosphere above the stored semen was air. Proudfoot (1966) and Proudfoot and Stewart (1967), using undiluted semen, demonstrated the importance of aerobic conditions in maintaining fertilizing capacity. The purpose of the present study was to inves-— tigate the effect of an oxygenated diluent on fer- tility after 24, 48 and 72 hr of storage at 2-5°C. PROCEDURE. The stock used in these experiments we- re commercial Rhode Island Red birds (Hubbard Au- tosex), housed in cages. Semen was collected by a two-man technique (Burrows and Quinn, 1935) at 37°C. The composition and preparation of the storage me- dium has been described in a recent publication (Van Wambeke, 1967). Modified diluent 2 (substitu- tion of 5 % water for egg albumin) was employed in all experiments. In experiment 1, 1 ml of pooled semen was pipet- ted into an equal volume of the prewarmed diluent in tubes of 10 ml capacity (internal diameter:12mm). "Present address: Burg. van Gansberghelaan, 26, Merelbeke, Belgium. 1645