VI® CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II A NEW MEDIA AND TECHNIQUE FOR FREEZING TURKEY SEMEN A.H.J.Rajamannan Eastern A.l. Cooperative, Inc., Ithaca, N.Y. Turkey semen permits very little time for in-vitro manipulation, before it becomes infer- tile (1, 2). Egg yolk incorporated extenders have been shown to be detrimental to fertility (3). Glycerol has also been reported as harmful to fertility (4, 5). Dialysis was proposed as a means of removing the glycerol (6). Since the time of in-vitro handling in itself has a deleterious effect on fertility this study was an attempt to freeze turkey semen soon after collection for recovery of usable motile cells. Since soy protein afforded good freeze pro- tection in the freeze preservation of Bovine semen in our laboratory it was decided to substi- tute egg yolk and egg white with the sodium salt of soy protein (Promine D)*. Zero percent glycerol and two percent glycerol concentrations were used to study the freezability. Dialy- sis was chosen as the means of removal of glycerol prior to insemination whenever semen was frozen with glycerol. MATERIALS AND METHODS Freezing extender was prepared by dissolving four grams of sodium proteinate obtained from soy bean in 2.9 gram percent solution of Sodium Citrate dihydrate. The soy protein did not go completely into solution. The insoluble material was filtered using coarse grade fil- ter paper. Antibiotics were added at 500 |.U. penicillin per cc and 500 ug of streptomycin per cc of extender. The extender was used with and without glycerol. The extender was main- tained at 15° ¢ during extension with semen. Since turkey semen coagulates quickly after collection, pooled semen was collected by massage directly into measured amounts of extender. The tube containing the extender was constantly shaken after each collection. The semen was extended to five times its original volume. All semen was frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour in a portable freezing unit (9). Vapour freezing, spin freezing (7) and film freezing (8) were selected as the freezing techniques. Film freezing has given better freeze recovery than conventional methods and was selected specially since semen could be frozen in stretched dialysing tubes. Thawing and dialysing out of the glycerol was accomplished in one step. : FREEZING FRAME A metal frame was designed as shown in Figure 1. Dialysing tubes could be stretched flat and wound around it. It was rigid and allowed the film of semen to be frozen from both sides. It was convenient for handling during freezing, storage, thawing and dialysing. Where glycerol was used the initial glycerol concentration of the extender was 2.5% making the final glycerol content 2% in the diluted semen. Soon after dilution the extended semen was ampuled and the ampules left in liquid nitro- gen vapour of a field semen freezing unit (9). The entire operation from the first dilution to freezing took 5, 10, and 15 minutes. For film freezing the semen was introduced into a prepared dialysing tube. The end of the tube was tied, and the tube was stretched flat and wound around the frame. The entire frame was lowered into the liquid nitrogen vapour. The operation was conducted within 5, 10, and |5 minutes. Semen filled in ampules were also spin frozen (8) to evalnate the effect of spin freezing on turkey semen at 5, 10, and 15 min- utes after extension. Semen frozen in ampules were thawed in water at 40° C and only those frozen without glycerol in ampules were used for insemination. Only 0.1 cc of semen was used per insemination. Semen frozen in dialysing tubes were thawed by immersing the entire * Central Soya, 1825 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago, I11inois 60639, U.S.A. 1641