RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results presented in table 1 show that at 40-41°C the sper- matozoa are inactivated in normal saline, unbuffered Ringer, in the buffered media except bicarbonate Ringer and in infundibulum secre- tion, Munro (3) found that they are also inactivated in Milovanov's and Baker's solutions and in magnum as well as infundibulum '"juice'". Considering the variety of media in which inactivation occurs, it would appear to be essentially a temperature effect. It is counter- acted by bicarbonate, however. When HCO, is added to these media they support motility very well at this %emperature, except when. phosphate is present. In the presence of phosphate, even when HCO> is also present, the spermatozoa are immotile at 40°C. Similar re- sults on the effect of phosphate were reported by Ogasaware & Lorenz (5). In all cases reactivation occurred, after 1-2 minutes, on cooling below 39°C. Traibiile ¥ Effect of temperature on cock sperm motility in various media Medium Motility at 40-41°C saline 0.9% - Ringer, unbuffered ~ wrsksiglycine - o + M/15 phosphate - ! + TRIS-maleate " + HCOB "+ HCO?, + phosphate infundibului secretion seminal plasma egg white poly-GA + Ringer + HCOz 2 + Ringer - + + + 10 Besides in bicarbonate containing media, inactivation is pre- vented in seminal plasma, egg white, uterine fluid and blood serum of the fowl (3). Whether HCOE or some other factor is responsible for preventing the temperature inactivation in these media has not been determined.