Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF, FARIS, 1968, VOL. I Text - Fig. 1. The Effect of Glycerol on Motilityoand Cleping of Fowl Spermatozoa kept at 37 and 3 C. INCURATION FOR 5 min 10 min 30 min 372 3" iegg® 2 37° 5 Diluent alone 1o, 6 6 55 5 WSS With 5% glycerol 5 6 0 6 0 6 W05 i S 6 0 Tl 0 6 " 15% " 3 6 0 6 0 4.5 " 30% " 0 3 0 3 0 3 No movement: O; Few moving and extensive clumping: 3, Vigorous motility and few clumps: 6, Vigorous motility and no clumping: 9. Our observations on the damage done to cells by glycerol emphas- izes the undesirability of using motility studies as the sole criter- ion of assessing freezing and thawing procedures for storing sperma- tozoa, especially if motility is observed in glycerolized media at 37%. However, useful information about the efficacy of freezing and thawing procedures can be obtained if the thawed, glycerolized semen is kept at 2 to 300. Under these conditions good motility has been maintained for up to 6h and this test has served as a reliable guide as to the fertility results that can be expected with frozen semen, after thawing and removal of glycerol, in experiments to find methods of storing fowl semen at ultra-low temperatures. 17 SHAFFNER. C.S. 1964. Proc. 5th Int. Congr. Anim. Reprod and A,I. Vol. 4: 426429, 2. TANAKA, K., TOMITA, T. and OKAVOTO, S. 1966. Jap. J. Zootec. Sci., 37: 134-138. 3. WATANABE, M. 1967. J. Fac. Fish. Anim. Husb. Hiroshima Univie, 7 19-235. 4, Van den BERG, L. and ROSE, D. 1959. Arch. Biochem. Biophys 81: 319-329. *9 S, Van den BERG,L. and ROSE 84: 305-315. , D. 1959. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.. 1635