Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I AN APPRAISAL OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE OFFICIAL MONTHS OF THE THOROUGH- BRED AND STANDARDBRED STUD SEASON IN AUSTRALIA VIRGINIA OSBORNE Faculty of Veterinary Science University of Sydney, Australia, Administrative bodies controlling racing of the Thoroughbred and Standardbred in Australia age the horse officially from August 1st of each year, Consequently, active stud procedures begin on September 8th and continue for approximately four months through to the middle or end of December. These dates place the official season to begin several weeks before the spring equinox and to close approximately coincidental with the summer solstice. Problems of management arise in the early phase of this season., Hesitant and uncertain ovarian activity follows a winter anoestrus with irregular oestrous-dioestrous rhythm, persistent anoestrus, anovular oestrus, unpredictable follicle progression ete.. It was considered advisable, therefore, to review the exact nature of the annual reproductive cycle in these latitudes in order to pinpoint the naturally most fertile part of the year, and then to be in a position to appraise the wisdom and efficacy of the official ruling which places the stud season in the months of the year where it now stands. Consequently, a week-by-week postmortem survey of the ovaries of a total of 6,763 mares was undertaken. A constant supply of abattoir material was available from the eastern Australian States of Queensland and New South Wales between the latitudes of —25O 5¢ and -350 5'. The survey period ran over seven whole or part years and included five successive stud seasons. By elimination of pregnant abortive, immature, senile and pathological specimens, 5,198 paired ovaries were acceptable to the sample. Ovulation was assumed by the presence of a recent corpus luteum within the ovulation fossa. Figures were recorded on a weekly basis and a month-by- month table of ovulation percentages was drawn up. A frequency distribution curve was plotted showing the position of the official stud season within the annual reproductive cycle. As expected, a classic recurring annual cycle was confirmed, Relative ovarian quiescence occurred in the two months succeeding the winter solstice, i.e. in July and August, with the peak period of activity and therefore, the naturally selective, most fertile period in the two months following the summer solstice, i.e. in January and February. 1593