VI® CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II according to each of the three stallions used was 38 to 63 % 42.9 in total. The conception rate after the first insemi- nation was 44.2 % in total for the above three tests in {d55 mares. Table 1. Examples of sperm viability after thawing. AT e e e I e Stallion No. of Before After Recovery rate trials freezing freezing (%) S e e L O S N e £ e s e A 26 70-85 65-80 80-100 (94) B 5 80-90 75-80 80-100 (92) C 6 65-80 55-70 80-88 (85) D 2 60-60 50-50 83-83 (83) E 2 65-70 55=55 79-85 (82) F 30 80-90 65-70 76-82 (80) G 5 65-70 35-40 Lkz-57 (50) e e R e R S Note: Sperm viability is shown by sperm motility index. Index was calculated from both % of live sperm and activity of sperm motility. Table 2. Conception rate of frozen semen. e e D e R S et Dt o NS D e O No. of mares No. of mares Conception inseminated conceived rate (%) N e O Tst testrint 106 2 2 100.0 2nd test in 1966 6 3 50.0 3rd test in 1967 105 Ly L2 .9 Total 113 50 4y 2 e ettt ettt e e e SUMMARY: The authors examined the factors which seem to be related to the freezability of spermatozoa. Then they carried out conception trial with frozen horse spermatozoca. The collected semen was centrifuged, and a kind of egg yolk buffer- ed solution was added to the condensed semen. Final glycerol concentration of 4 to 5 % and glycerol equilibration time of 5 to 5 hours gave the best results. The diluted semen was poured into slender vinyl straws of one ml capacity and cooled below -80°C in a few minutes with liquid nitrogen vapor. The frozen semen was preserved in the liquid nitrogen. The freezability of horse spermatozoa was much higher than expect- ed and the recovery rate of sperm motility after thawing was 80 to 100 % in some individuals. The conception rate after first insemination was 4%4.2 % in 113 mares in total. This figure is comparable tc the conception rate in artificial insemination with liquid semen. 1591