under the microscope. There was, however, no decrease in motility after more than 30 minutes under the microscope. This was also far from what we had expected. 5. Effect of season of semen collection: Freezability of spermatozoa collected in the off season was slightly lower than that in the breeding season in some stallions. This result is in accordance with Rombe's report (1). 6. Effect of temperature and duration of storage: When stored in dry ice, that is at =79 C, viability decreased by 5 to 15 % after 3 to 4 weeks. But when stored at -196°C in liquid nitrogen there was hardly drop in viability even after one year. B. CONCEPTION TESTS Materials and methods. Three conception trials were performed, first in 1964, second in 1966 and third in 1967. Preparation of frozen semen and insemination for the conception test was conducted as follows. The semen was diluted with the dilutor at the rate of 10;3 after the gelatinous portion was removed. The diluted semen was then poured into a 50 ml precipitation tube, centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2,300 to 2,500 r.p.m. After the supernatant was removed, 2 to 3 ml of the dilutor was added to the concentrated spermatozoa. Then the secondary dilution was performed by adding an equal volume of the dilutor containing glycerol. The final concentration of glycerol was 4 %, and the glycerol equilibration time was 2 to 3 hours. After glycerol equilibration, the semen was poured into one ml vinyl straws and cooled to about -80°C in % to 5 minutes with liquid nitrogen vapor (2). Thawing was carried out by immersing directly into water at 4°C. The number of straws for one in- semination is ordinarily three. The content is diluted with the dilutor to 25 ml per mare. The number of spermatozoa in one injection was 450 to 1,800 milliom. Results and discussion. In the first test, frozen semen pre- served for 91 and 311 days in the dry ice cabinet was injected into separate mares. Both conceived, but I regret to say, both aborted due to falling down and malnutrltlon at 154 and 246 days of gestation, respectively. In the second test, six mares were inseminated and three conceived after the first insemination and reached parturition. In the third test, the 105 mares were inseminated. The conception rate after the first insemination (1) S. ROMBE, V.KOTJAGINA, & N. PILER, 1965, Konevodo konnyi - Sport, 35 : 8. (ABA, 34 ;169) (2) Y. NISHIKAWA et al., 1965, Jape. J. Frozen Semen Res. Soc., 15 & 16 ; 23