Since earlier investigations indicate that mares with migrating amniotic sacs are more liable to develop E.e.d. (Amoroso 1953), the material was examined with this possibility in view. Table 2. The possible influence on early embryonic death of site of pregnancy compared with site of ovulation. e et e Number E.e.d. Pregnant on the ovulation side 25 2 Pregnant on the opposite side 14 5 Established cases of migrating amniotic sacs 5 1 —_——— The migration observed was usually one from left to right but migrations from right to left were also dis- covered. In one case, a migration from left to right, followed by a migration back to left, was noted. The findings are in agreement with those made in earlier in- vestigations (Day 1940, Amoroso, Hancock & Rowlands 1948). Discussion. Various factors may cause E.e.d. in the mare: 15 defect ova and spermatozoaj 2) unfavourable conditions in the uterus, esp. in connection with service during foaling heat and in "windsucking" cases; 3) services in the early seasong 4) the regular cycling of the mare dur- ing the first 5 months of pregnancy combined with the short life span of the corpus luteum of pPregnancy; 5) wrong time of service, i.e. too late; 6) deficiencies of minerals, minor elements (f. inst. Iodine), and vita- mins (A,D,E); 7) parasitary infestations; 8) excessive work and training. In this material, foaling-heat-service was used to a high degree and might, of course, be one of the major causes of the comparatively many cases of E.e.d. According to Trum (1950), the conception rate is only 43% at this time. The material was also thoroughly checked for "windsucking", although this disturbance is not so common in the Finnish draught horse as in the Thoroughbred and the Standard bred. The seemingly higher incidence of E.e.d. from ser- vices early in the season may indicate that daylight and, perhaps, temperature also affect embryo survival. In the authors’ opinion, the more or less regular cycling of the mare during early pregnancy might well be one of the most important causes of E.e.d. In the present material, most of the established cases of E.e.