Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF, PARIS, 1968, VOL. I Table I - Diluent and procedure for extending Equine Semen VOLUME, COMPLETE ML. 100 EGG YOLK ML. 20 LACTOSE (BACTO) GM. 320 LEVULUSE GM. 2o D SORBITOL GM. 0.08 INOSITOL GM. 0.08 ANTIBIOTICS Penicillin 50,000 units Streptomycin 50,000 M 9. GLYCERINE RANGE E 506505, 3 (1) pH - 7.0 (2) (1) Complete with semen 4X Dilution - Use 7.8% 5 to 6 X - Use 7.0% 7 to 10 X - Use 6.5% INTERPRETATION: The final mixture of processed semen should contain glycerine within a range of 5.6 to 5.8 percent. When one part of semen is diluted to 5 X, it would require 4 parts of a diluent con- taining 7% glycerine plus the one part of semen to equal a final mixture of 5.6% glycerine. (2) Adjust with 5% NaHCO3 to 6.9 pH. After two days under refrigeration (5°C.) thisSwitlF = driE et ot S i pDH 575