B. SEMEN EVALUATION Semen evaluation involving the motility, type of activity, sperm count, and volume, gives a basis for prefreezing dilution. Any semen not meeting the following standards should be discarded: 1) _if the total sperm concentration per ml. is 60 X 106 or less, 2) if the sample is rated less than 40 percent motil- e RS ) if there are feeble motile cells or a lack of progressive activity, 4) if there is a high level of abnormal sperm or 5) 1if the semen contains an excessive amount of dirt. Usually semen of low qual- ity was high in seminal-plasma and ranged higher in pH (7.5 to 7.9). Acceptable semen normally reads between 6.9 and 7.2 pH. After many trial and error experiences, it was discovered that spermatozoa were usually sensitive to rough handling (trauma) and possi- bly intense light. Unprocessed semen (fresh) must be protected from temperature shock (optimum RIS L C. PROCESSING Extensive work with normal semen shows that the recovery of motile cells after freezing will range from 50 to 70 percent. On this basis, a method of extending semen can be estimgted pre-freezing. Field trials indicate-that 40 X 10° to 80 X 10° motile sper- matozoa are required per insemination. The opinion of breeders is that the volume of the insemination should be 8 to 10 ml. After many experiments, the following diluent and method of diluting stallion semen were developed. Length of time from collection to freezing is a factor to be considered for maximum recovery of motile cells. Acceptable evaluated semen should be mixed with this high sugar-low glycerine diluent at the same temperature as the semen. Cooling can begin immedi- ately in air at 5°C. 1In fact, printed ampules can be filled and sealed prior to cooling with no apparent damage to the sperm. Holding the diluted or ampuled semen 3% to 4 hours permits antibiotic bacterial con- trol in the semen. D. TEMPERATURE TAKE-DOWN Extending semen with this diluent, because of its high sugar, low glycerine and salt content, permits the rapid temperature drop as illustrated in Figure 1. 1578