pregnancy. In the fourth week of it, on the 1nferior wall of the base of the pregnant horn a thin-walled, fluctuating ampulla begins to form, which graduslly en- larges. If the death of embryo occured on the end of the first or in the begining of the second month of pregnancy, it was found, that the tension of the uteri- ne horns, only a little reduced, persisted subseguently during some period of time, sometimes one month or len=- ger. The ampullar distension did not exist, as the amniotic fluld was resorbed; the follicles, if existed on the ovaries, were rather small, hard and painless. If this state was found in 6-10-th weeks after mating the diagnosis of the e.d. was allways confirmed after wards. In rare cases this state lasted 3 months after mating. If the e.d. occured during the second half of the . 2-nd month of pregnancy, even little later, the state of the uterus was ocasionally found, in which either the amniotic fluid was not yet fully resorbed, or the ampullar dllatation of the pregnant horn did not under- went involution yet. The tension of the uterus existed and the base of one horn was dilated; however, his bot- tom wall was thick, not fluctuating, and a little lower suspeaded, as the other horn. The diagnosis of the e.d ia this period was more difficult, and sometimes the examingtion was repeated after 2-3 weeks. In such case elther only slightly expressed tension of the horns or fullfi flaclid empty uterus were found, with distended one horn. Sometimes larger and painful follicles exist- ed on the ovaries. It seems, that not allways after the death of embryo on the end of the second month, the uterus of the mare returned to the state of the tension, characteristic to the 3-d week of pregnancy. Cases were observed, in which in few days after as certainment of the two- -months pregnancy, oestrus occured. Probably, if the relation of progesterone to estrogens, which is neces- sary for the state of the temsion, has already changed, the state of tension does not return. If during the first examination for early pregnancy this was diagno- sed, and during the second examination the uterus was flaccid and thin walled, the diagnosis of the previous death of embryo was based, 0f course, on the first statement of pregnancy. The course of 16 cases of e.m., investigated in one Thoroughbred stud during 7 years, i1llustrates table 1. In 8 cases, in which the death of embryo was clinically diagnosed during the period of decrease of pregnancy symptoms, it appeared in the 2-d month of pregnancy . 1574