Rodnfal ANVaiic oo EXTENN Sisks o s ielals aisicteis s vatersrste WL OTOS 1.Direct effect P53 0.7973 2.Indirect effect via temp. rl13.Db51 .1428 3. Indirect effect via humidity r23.b52 -1.2562 4,Indirect effect via sun-shine r34.b54 .6291 W Sun-Shine Vs CeStrus .scccececcossccas r-,4078 1.Direct effect P54 -.6685 2.Indirect effect via temp. ri4d.b51 -.1319 3.Indirect effect via humidity r24.b52 1.1428 4,Indirect effect via rainfall r34.b53 -,7502 Diagram of path co-efficient showing effect of different factors on percentage of successful services (Cvulation) It will be seen from comparision of two diagrams and analysis of their Components work- ed out on the lines illustrated above with the help of equations, that considerable improvement can be effected through environmental factors associated with Cestrus,where as, it needs further critical study on the factors associated with fertile services. In the case of latter it will be seen that the value of Px6 worked out to .9208 is suggestive of the signifiecant effect of resi- dual factors viz Physiological,Genetical, endocrie nological and others associated with feeding and management etc. However, this conclusion is to be substantiated on further investigation and contro- lled experiments.