Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II feeding, management, genetic and allied factors. Result and discussion. A number of interesting relationships may be observed from the table given below which shows relationships between each of the factors studied. It is self explanatory and is not con- 8ldered worth discussion here for want of space. Table showing Correlations - D D D D e e e BT 4n wn R D - » W W - - . - - - . - - - - - T, =-.6311 -.3243 2996 -,0260 . 4029 H, «9077 -.8258 «1697 -.3479 R. -.9411 . 4808 . 0201 (3103) 8. -.4080 .2225 o. -00375 T :- Temperature H :- Humidity R :- Rainfall S :~- Period of Sun-Shine 0 :- Qgstrus % H :- Percentage of successful services. The Correlation Coefficient of each factor with Cestrus consists of four components. The relative contribution of each may be obser- ved with the use of equations No.1,2,3,4, as detailed below. Temperature Vs 0eStrUS ceceeecccscceacss.T=00260 1. Direct effect P51 -.4404 2. Indirect effect via humidity ri2b> .8733 3. Indirect effect via rainfall ri13b53-.2586 4. Indirect effect via sun-shine r2445¢ -.2003 HN% HumidityVB Oestrus 0600 o000 00000000000, r.1696 1. Direct effect P52 -1.3839 2, Indirect effect via temp. ri2.Db51 2019 3. Indirect effect via rainfall r23.153 .7236 4. Indirect via sun-shine r24.Db54 .5520 1571