environmental factors on Cestrus and the other on fertile heat that has culminated in conce= ption. Path Co~-efficient Analysis A path co-efficient is simply a standar- dised partial regression co-efficient & as suah, measures the direct influence of one variable upon another and permits the seperation of co- rrelation co-efficient into Components of dire- ct and indirect effect. PR (1. temp.2 Hymidity 3 Rainfall 4 Sun-Shine) The path co-efficient in these particu- lar instances were obtained by simul taneous solution of following equations which express the basic relationship between co-rrelation & Co-efficients. 1. r15=P15 +r12 P25 +rl3 P35+ r1d P45 2., T25=P25 +rl12 P15+ r23 P35 + r24 P45 3. r35=P35 +r13 P15 +r23 P25 + r34 P45 4., r45 =P45 + r14 P15 + 124 P25 + r34 P35 5.1 -=Px5 + P15+ P25+ P35 + P45+2P15 - r12. P25+ 2P25.r13.P35 + P15.r14.P45+4 2P25.r23,P35+ 2P25.r24.P45 + 2P35.1r34.P45. Thus,the effect of climatic temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and periocd of Sun- Shine, directly and indirectly, through each of these factors, have been calculated. The 'X? variable consists of residual factors that in- fluenced Cestrus and in this case it includes 1570