Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II Analysis of Environmental Components Controll- ing Cestrus and Fertile Services (Cvulation)in Indian Stabled Horses. M. A, Hadi, Artificial Insemination oOfficer, NAGPTUR ( INDIA) Incidence of subfertility and inferti- lity in mares is generally reported to be due to irregular Cestrous Cycle or in-appropriate time of mating during the Cestrus. On scann- ing through the available literature there is hardly any reference to indicate the effect of different environmental conditions on the var- ious reproductive Phenomenon of horses.An att- empt is therefore made to study the effect of temperature, humidity, rainfall and period of Sun-Shine over the Cestrous cycle and the fer- tile services of the Indian Stabled horses. Material & Method The observations which form the basis of present study pertains to the record of br- eeding performances of 30 horses over the pe- riod,1945 to 1968. The effect of fluctuations of various environmental factors has been st- udied with the help of special type of multi- variate analysis-path Coefficient - a method of dealing with a closed system of variables that are linearly related. A Variance analy- 8is for each variable and a Co-variance anaw lysis for each pair of Variables that had ex- hibited some relationship with each other was Computed. Thus, with the help of multiple and partial regression and correlation, the path co-efficient has been formulated and present- ed in the form of diagram showing the inter relationships of the variables concerned. In constructing the diagram, the conventional me- thod has been used to show double headed arrow to indicate correlation between the basic fa- ctors and a uni-directional arrow to signify the direct path of influence from one varialle to another. Thus two sets of path coefficients have been designed,one indicating the effectdf 1569