Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II material for becoming significant, too. The present material was not suited for regression analysis, because the data had not been classified according to seminal parameters as_ is required for determination of the relationship * = f(seminal char- acteristics) which would allow estimation of the quality of ejaculates with respect to fertility. The results obtained in this investigation of restricted scope are in qualitative agreement with the theoretical expectations. (1) W. BIELANSKI, 1951. Mémoires Acad.Pol.Sci. Ser.B, No. 16. (2) C. VAN DUIJN Jr., 1964. Proc. Vth Int. Congr. Anim. Reprod., Trento, Vol. IV: 313-322, (3) ¢c. VAN DUIJN Jr., 1965. Neth.J.agric.Sci. 13: 378-391. = (4) C. VAN DUIJN Jr., 1965. Ann.Biol.anim.,Bioch., Biophys. 2: 419-443. 1567