Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I SEMINAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FERTILITY OF STALLIONS C. VAN DUIJN Jr. Biophysics Dept., Research Institute for Animal Husbandry 'SCHOONOORD' Zeist, The Netherlands According to Van Duijn's (2,3,4) theory of the relationship between seminal characteristics and fertility it is expected that correlations exist between the logarithm of fertilization results F and the logarithms of total numbers of spermatozoa rer ejaculate N y the total number of progress- ively moving spggfiatozoa N s the percentage of progressively moving spermE%Xzoa M and the fract- ion of spermatozoa that are morphologically normal p. Since according to the theory these relation- ships follow a linear trend they would provide the true correlation coefficients, whereas calculations of Corr. F X N, M and p, respectively, would give too low values. This expectation was checked with experimental data collected previously by Bielafski (1). These included two groups of stallions with a total number of 54. The mverage values of seminal characteristics were ‘available, classified according to different fertility levels: 0%, 1-25%, 26-50%, 51-75% and 76-100% fertilizations. For the analysis the averaged means per class of the two groups were used. There were no data available on longevity of the spermatozoa, to be expressed as the half-life period of the number of moving spermatozoa t%(N). However, because decrease of numbers of moving®spermatozoa is an exponential process, it can be shown that log M may be taken as an approximative aequivalent of ?_%N) if the motility estimations have been performed % at a constant time after ejaculation. The fertility criterion t,(N).log N may then be approximated by (log M).(loé N) for checking the theoretical relation- ship, although it will obviously be less accurate than it could have been with direct determinations of the half-life periods. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 1. In the non-logarithmic form all correlations but ohe are insignificant, whereas in the logarithmic form even those correlation coefficients that do not yet reach significance are on the whole much higher and may be expected to need only some more extensive 1565