Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il AN INDUCED CYSTIC OVARIAN CONDITION IN THE MARE J.M. Bowen, B. Vet. Med., M.R.C.V.S. of '"Westways", Park Street, Thaxted, Essex One of the problems posed when trying to collect from a stallion is to find a suitable mare in oestrus. While it is possible to train mares to stand for such collections, and there are a variety of dummies available for this purpose, neither alternative is a satisfactory substitute. It would be better to have a mare in a continuing state of oestrus, without the disadvantages of the true nyphomanical mare. Not only does the presence of a mare that is in use greatly facilitate collecting, but it also has a significant effect on the ejaculate collected. In 1966 an attempt was made to synchronise oestrus in a group of mares using one of the progestogen group of drugs, namely Melengestrol Acetate fed at the rate of 0.5 mg and 1.0 mg daily to two groups of three mares respectively. Treatment was started on March 7th. By March 9th two mares were exhibiting signs of oestrus but would not stand for the stallion. Rectal palpation showed that there was follicular development taking place in spite of the progestogen. By March 15th two mares would stand to the stallion and two were in proestrus. At this point the attempt to synchronise oestrus by feeding Melengestrol Acetate was discontinued, as at the above dose rate it was obviously not having the effect we desired. All the mares eventually showed signs of cystic ovarian disease. As most of the mares in the experiment were maiden mares it was rather surprising to see how well they would stand for the stallion and so I decided to use one mare to collect from a young stallion. This stallion was collected from regularly over a period of four weeks using this same mare and each time she was presented with the stallion she exhibited all the sexual receptive signs of full oestrus. Subsequently, when we needed to collect from some young stallions (Skinner and Bowen) we used Melengestrol 1559