then stained (13) (14) and graded (ll) (12). The ewes were observed at least once daily. The date on which a fresh keel mark was first observed was taken as the date of oestrus. Where 50% of the ewes showed positive smears within 14 days of its application, the treatment was designated an "effective stimulus". The tracts were examined on the day of slaughter; those from Group 5 & 6 were railed in thermos flasks following slaughter in North Wales and examined similarly. RESULTS & DISCUSSION. Observations on the reproductive activity of Groups 1, 2 & 3 are presented in Table 1, and the post mortem observations on Group 4, 5 & 6 in Table 2. The re-entry of the rams in Group 1 resulted in an increase of 39.4 in the percentage of ewes showing positive smears., Ewes transported on the same day and then housed (Group 2) did not show such a marked response. However an increase of 44.4 occurred following the re-entry of the rams on day 249, Where housing was delayed until day 269 (Group 3) the ewes appeared to remain inactive, The post mortem findings indicated that there was no activity in Groups 4, 5 and 6 during the seven days prior to slaughter. There was a statistically non-significant tendency for both tracts and ovaries of transported ewes to increase in weight and only in these ewes were follicles greater than 5 mm recorded. The distribution of follicles over the range given in Table 2 does not suggest that cyclic activity was imminent. Wiggan (4) found that 2.30% of follicles were greater than 6,00 mm at the - luteal phase of the cycle. The high percentage of ewes in Group 3 showing positive smears following housing on Day 269, suggests that the ewes were more responsive to this treatment which had appeared relatively ineffective when applied earlier, Most of the ewes yielded positive smears within seven days and were, in this respect, similar to the "positive" ewes in Groups 1 & 2. However, only 15% failed to exhibit oestrus by the 24th day from the "effective stimulus", compared with 39.4% and 41.1% in Groups 1 &2 respectively. Changes in the vaginal contents of these ewes gave every indication that ovulations had occurred and that cyclic activity had been initiated. The-higher incidence of more than one 'silent heat' in Groups 1l & 2 was partly responsible for the increased interval from the effective stimulus to onset of oestrus. Nevertheless a significant advancement in the mean date of first oestrus was recorded. This pattern of behaviour conforms with the findings of Wiggan (4) who reported that the onset in ewes exposed to effective stimuli on days 197 and 238, were day 249 + 2.37 - Sept 6 and day 276 + 2.13 - Oct 3, respectively. l, A.F. Purser, 1963 Anim.Prod. 5 (2) : Abst.219. 2. E.S.E. Hafez, 1952, J.Agric.Sci. 42: 189. 3. H.,L1l. Williams, 1966, "The Intensification of Sheep Production". Ph.D.Thesis, University of London. 4, L1.S. Wiggan, 1967, "Studies on fertility in sheep with 1544