Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il ‘ THE EFFECT OF EXTERNAL STIMULI ON THE ONSET OF THE BREEDING SEASON | OF WELSH MOUNTAIN EWES H. Ll. WILLIAMS and Ll. S. WIGGAN ** Department of Animal Husbandry, Royal Veterinary College, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, England. Records of incidence of mating and/or lambings in commercial hill flocks give little indication of the onset of breeding activity. The intentional delay in re-introducing the ram to the flock usually results in an uniform rate of mating during the two week period immediately following its entry (l). The limited available data for this breed, derived from groups accustomed to the presence of the rams, give the following mean dates of onset - day 288 - Oct 25 (2); day 308 - Nov 4, day 287 - Oct 14, day 284 - Oct 11 (3). A significantly earlier onset, day 249 - Sept 6, has been reported (4); this was attributed to a combination of external stimuli applied on day 197 - July 16. The effect of the re-entry of the ram is well documented (5) (6) (7) (8) (9). It has also been shown that stress, due mainly to transportation, induced silent heats in some ewes (lO). Changes in vaginal secretions of the ewe have been shown to be a reliable indication of ovarian activity (11) (12) (4). An early onset to cyclic activity has many advantages and therefore greater definition is required of the relationships between the application of various stimuli and the onset of the breeding season, particularly for breeds originating and maintained in the higher latitudes. MATERTALS & METHODS. 80 draft Welsh Mountain ewes were allocated to six groups and subjected to one or a combination of three treatments: T1 - TRANSPORTATION - 8-hour road Journey of 200 miles from Corwen, North Wales to Potters Bar, Herts; T2 - HOUSING. T3 - RE-ENTRY OF RAMS - Groups 1, 2 and 3 - harnessed vasectomised Suffolk and Dorset Horn, Group 6 - entire Welsh Mountain. The duration and sequency of treatments was as follows: DAY GROUP NOS TRANS- DAY DAY RE-ENTRY DAY PORTED HOUSED OF RAMS SLAUGHTERED 1 24* 221 222 235 - 2 20 235 236 249 3 10 235 269 277 4 10 235 - - 243 5 18 " 235 u 242 6 8 & 235 235 242 * One died. In Group 1, 2 and 3 vaginal smears were taken every three or four days, starting on the day following arrival. The smears were **present address: Bodles Agricultural Station, Jamaica, W.Indies. 1543