progestational phase was lengthened with an average of three days. The three animals in which the sponges were inserted on day O were excluded pbecause of the possibility that some might have ovulated while others had not. 2. a group which received their sponges during the second half of the luteal phase, i.e. between day 7 and day 14. In this group the progestational phase was lengthened with an average of 10 days. 3. a group which received their sponges during the follicular phase of the cycle, i.e. between day 14 and day 17. In these animals the progestational phase was redoubled after a short interruption. In table 1 the synchronisation results of these groups were compared. sponge PMS | non-PMS insertion | number of ewes| table 1. Influence of time of sponge insertion on synchronisation rate (P=0.10). It appears that in this experiment no influence can be demonstrated of the phase of the cycle during which the sponges were inserted on the synchronisation rate. Fertility. Of 119 PMS treated animals 90 (75.6 %) conceived after mating during the synchronized ocestrus. Of 108 non-PMS treated ewes (two ewes lost their sponges) also 90 conceived (83.3 %). This difference is not significant (P=0.15). During the post synchronized oestrus these percentages increased to respectively 85.7 and 87.0. Table 2 represents the number of pregnant animals in the three above mentioned groups for the PMS and non-PMS treated ewes. PMS sponge pregnant non-pregnant) % pregnant | non-pregnant insertion |ewes ewes gl 5T 35 4 89.7 D 7 -14 95 15 T70.0 D14 - 17 20 7 T4.1 P=0.02 P=0.05 table 2. Influence of time of sponge insertion on pregnancy. The significant differences found in both groups are mainly due to the rather high pregnancy rate in the group of ewes 1540