Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF, PARIS, 1968, VOL. II ‘ Relation between the day of the oestrual cycle at the time of the intravsginal application of a MAP impregnated sponge | and synchronisation rate and conception rate in Texel sheep. A.H. WILLEMSE Clinic for Veterinary Obstretics & Gynaecology State University, Utrecht, Netherlands. Oestrus synchronisation in ewes by means of the vaginal application of a sponge impregnated with a progestational compound involves an artificial lengthening of the luteal phase. The extent of this lengthening depends on the day of the oestrual cycle on which the sponge is inserted and varies from one to thirteen days, assuming that the sponge remains intravaginally for 13 days. When the sponge is inserted during the follicular phase there is a short interruption between the luteal phase and the progestational phase caused by the sponge. The aim of this experiment was to study the influence of this artificial lengthening of the progestational phase on synchronisation rate and on the fertility of the synchronized oestrus. Material and method. Seventeen days prior to sponge insertion a number of vasectomized and apronized rams was added to the flock of 229 two to three years old Texel ewes. Once a day the mated ewes were checked. On the moment of sponge insertion (T 0) the day of the oestrual cycle of each animal was known. The sponges used were impregnated with 60 mg MAP and were kindly supplied by the Upjohn Co. 110 ewes did not receive any further treatment, while 119 ewes received a subcutaneous injection with 750 IU PMS on T 11. On T 13 the sponges were removed. Twentyfive fertile rams were added to the flock. Twice a day the number of mated ewes was noted down. Results and discussion. Four ewes showed no oestrus symptoms during the seventeen days prior to sponge insertion, so in these animals the sponges were inserted at an unknown stage of the cycle. Two animals lost their sponges. Synchronisaticn. The PMS injection appears to have a significant influence on synchronisation rate: 48 hours after sponge removal 85% of the PMS treated ewes had been mated against 51% of the non-PMS treated group (P 0.001). To study the influence of the day of the cycle at the moment of sponge insertion, the ewes were divided in three groups: 1. a group which received their sponges during the first half of the luteal phase, i.e. between day 1 and day 7. (day O being the first day of oestrus). In these ewes the 1539