application of hormones ovariotomy was carried out on a number of sows which were on heat and the ova- ries were histologically analyzed. RESULTS AND CONSIDERATIONS.The depo-progesterone preparation did not entirely prevent the occurrence of estrus in sows even when it was applied in the dose of 375 mg.In comparison with the control group estrus was manifested in a considerably smaller num- ber of sows,the rate of conception was lower and the average number of piglets in the litter was con- siderably reduced(tabs.l).The smaller the used dose of progesterone the lesser was its inhibitory effect upon the occurrence of estrus.The dose of 125 mg of depo-progesterone stimulated the occurrence of es— trus but the percentage of conception was low.In sows treated with 375 mg of depo-progesterone the follicles were tiny and there was a rather large number of tiny corpora luteaj;the ovaries of sows treated with 125 mg of depo-progesterone contained well developed corpora lutea and tiny follicles;in sows treated with 250 mg of progesterone a conside- rable number of normal tertiary follicles was found but there were no corpora lutea, Depo-progesterone was applied at any time accor- ding to the plan of mating.In sows a great number of follicles mature during estrus,which increases the cencentration of estradiol in the organism of animals.Owing to this,we believe,even large doses of depo-progesterone could not entirely prevent the occurrence of estrus,especially if the drug was applied in the phase of proestrus. With the subsequent application of PMS the best results were obtained in the group previously trea- ted with 250 mg of depo-progesterone.However,con- sidering the high percentage of estrus manifested in the period of the working of progesterone a sa- tisfactory synchronization of estrus was not achie- vedeIn the ovaries of these sows the number of nor- mally developed tertiary follicles was considerab- ly increased but there were no corpora lutea func- tioning.In the group of sows to which 375 mg of depo-progesterone had been previously applied the number of tertiary follicles on the ovaries was larger and so was the number of corpora lutea while the sows previously treated with 125 mg of depo- progesterone had a considerably smaller number of 1536