Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II Because all treated animals experienced intensive and abnormally long heat symptoms, the pregnancy rate, on-— ly 39 %, indicates a dose level too high to establish a normal response. Second experiment: Therefore, 38 sows received at weaning only 1 ml of “I? All animals demonstrated nor- mal heat on day 3 to % and 68.4 % conceived at this estrus (against 70.4 % of 17 controls). Litter size: 8.92 in treated and 10.26 in control animals. Third experiment: 26 sows were treated at weaning with 1 ml of "II". Normal heat symptoms were shown by 3.8 % on day 2, by 77.0 % on days 3 and 4,~ and by 192 % later. 77.0 % conceived at the first heat. Of the 14 sows which had litters to date, 2 had 4-8, 8 had 9-12, 3 had 13-15 and 1 had 16 piglets. D) Improvement of synchronization after treatment with AIMAX by androgen-estrogens: 22 gilts received AIMAX (100 mg daily) for 20 days; a) 13 gilts were treated with 0.5 ml of "I’ b) 9 gilts with 1.0 ml of "I’in addition on day 21 All animals from a) displayed heat 2 to 4 days la- ter; animals from b) showed heat on day 2 to 5. Conception rate after first service: a) 38.5 %; b) 44.4 %. Summarlz The results obtained from these preliminary obser- vations with androgen-estrogen combinations show: 1) An induction of a well synchronized heat res-— ponse has been obtained in anestrous sows and gilts as well as in sows and gilts after weaning by a single injection. 2) The interval between weaning and first heat has been significantly shortened. SROnA negative influence on litter size has been ob- 1525