A) Experiences obtained in gilts with functional an- estrus: 91 gilts (German Landrace = GL) with anestrus or weak and erratic estrous symptoms were injected with 2 ml of "I’and slaughtered 3 to 7 days later. When slaughtered, 77.3 % had already shown inten- sive heat symptoms. 22.7 % of the animals in heat showed ripe follicles, against 22.8 % of animals not yet in heat. In the former group 48 % had ovulated and 20 % showed already Corpora lutea (C.l.), against 20 % with ovulation and 31.2 % with C.l. in the latter group respectively. B) Induction of a synchronized heat in sows and gilts with functional anestrus after weaning: 172 anestrous gilts and sows which did not display normal heat symptoms within 30 days after weaning were treated with 2 ml of “I’i.m. Heat observations were recorded from all animals, but only a total of 127 animals were served, 60 by A.I. and 67 by natural ma- ting. Heat presentations were recorded in 57 % of the animals on day 3, in 73.9 % on day 3 and 4. Conception rate after the first service was low: 31.7 % if A.I. was performed and 25.4 % if mating occurred. After the third heat, 59 % of all these animals with fertility problems became pregnant, with an average litter size of 8.0 . Similar or even better results than those given at A) and B) were reported recently by Zerobin (1968), using ‘I’ for the treatment of anestrus in SPF-gilts and after weaning in SPF-sows. &) Improved synchronization after weaning by simul- taneous application of androgen—estrogens: First experiment: 41 GL sows were treated with 2 ml of "I"at the weaning date, 56 sows remained untreated as controls. 80.5 % of the treated displaved heat at day 3 to 5, 49 % on day 4 (against 23 % of the controls).