Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I In a second experiment attempts were made to shorten the interval from weaning to induced heat by giving the 1 mg. at weaning and the second mg. DES on the second day after weaning. The Fq1 sows exhibited estrus significantly (P« .05) earlier than the F, sows, Table 3. There was a significant (P €530) s%rain by treatment interaction whereby Fq sows given the DES exhibited heat earlier than the F, sows given similar dosages. The interval from induced to second heat approximated one estrual cycle length for both treated and control animals. (1) G. M. DELA CERNA. 1956. Philippine Journal of Animal Industry. 17:105-111 (2) H. E. KIDDER, L. E. CASIDA and R. H. GRUMMER. 1955. Journal of Animal Science. 14:470-47W4, 1521