Average litter size at birth, at weaning, weight per pig in a litter and weight of sows at weaning, number of days from weaning to first heat and number of days from first heat to second heat i et e L et SNt SOsIVE CEl SRR or San Jouniiine I5T TRl Sl 1/2 Philippine pig:1/2 Landrace (Fy) i1/2 Yorkshire:1/4 Landrace:1/4 Landrace (F,) :Wt.per: : 2 : :Wt.per: : : :pig in: :No. of :No. of : :pig in: :No. of :No. of Litter:litter:Wt. of: days : days :Litter:Litter:1litter:Wt. of: days : days size at :sow at: wean- :induced:. size : size : at :sow at: wean- :induced wean-: wean-:ing to :heat to: at : at wean-: wean-:ing to :heat to : ing :induced: second:birth : wean-: i : " ing :induced:second :(k.):heat heat: in (k.):heat heat . 17350 19.50 2032%r 38525 7.00 - . 22.75 4.92 [74.75 20:25 21,32 5931430075 - 84.25 5.89 .80.87 .. 8.50 s 700 19480 % O 18.:50 225258 81550 70 5 . 5. 8 7ikms .66 Zpip B 50 . 4.92 70.00 12525 259508 A8 7050 % 675 5 o565 696 8IS T.S . __—._.—_._—h__l—-—_l——-_l_.—d——h__fi_——]_——_ Table 2. Multiple range test. *#* Treatments (mg.) 2 1 4 0 Means (days) . 855059437 102-26-521:12 *%p < .01 Any two means not underscored by a line are significantly different from each other. Table 3. Average litter size at birth, at weaning, weight per pig in a litter and weight of sows at weaning, number of days from weaning to first heat and number of days from first heat to second heat 1/2 Landrace:1/2 Philippine p1g (Fq) :1/2 Yorkshire:1/4 Landrace:1/4 Phil. pig(Fy) SWL. per: e 3 tWt. per: : : :pig in: :No. of :No. of : :pig in: :No. of :No. of Litter:litter:Wt. of: days : days :Litter:Litter:litter:Wt. of: days days size : at :sow at:wean- :induced: size : size : at :sow at: wean- :indueced : wean-: wean-.lng to :heat to: at : at : wean-: wean-:ing to :heat to :induced:second :birth : wean-: ing : ing :induced: second heat heat : ing : (kg.): (kg.): heat heat Litter size at birth Treat- ments 2/ (mg.) DES 8.25 67556 2655 & 17975 8.50 8.00 ) 561458250 23.50 21.00 8.50 LSS s S0 T 1807 S Lo 2S Tan 2 Smdt 25550 28.75 20.25 Lk 17500 WISE5 s 21 525 9525 925" 28 57,81 37.00 28.20 2 : $ s : : a/Fach strain-treatment group is made ug of four sows. Strain means Fq; - 11.5 days vs. Fy 9.73 days P< .05. Strain X .treatment interaction P< 0.10 ®s 00 0o e a0 ee sees e s ee o ee oo oo o0 oo oo selee ee e es ee ee es es s es eefee oo o0 a0