Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il ESTRUS INDUCTION IN SOWS WITH DIETHYLSTILBESTROL E. M. RIGOR, R. L. VILLAREAL AND H. P. ILAGAN University of the Philippines College of Agriculture College, Laguna, Philippines ‘ Injections of diethylstilbestrol (DES) in gilts have been shown to induce heat (Dela Cerna, 1958) and ovulation (Kidder et al. (1955). The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of various levels of DES and divided doses in the induction of estrus in recently weaned sows. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Two groups of crossbred sows (Philippine pig x Landrace, F1 and Yorkshire x Philippine pig x Landrace, Fp) were assigned at random as they weaned their litters at 42 days postpartum to 0, 1, 2 and 4 mg. of diethylstilbestrol in o0il given intravenously. In a second experiment two groups of crossbred sows (Fq1 and Fy) were as- signed at random to 0, 2 mg. DES given as a single injection and 2-1 mg. DES given in 2 injections at weaning and a day thereafter. All sows were checked for heat with a vasectomized boar until they exhibited two successive heat periods. The data were analyzed according to Steel and Torrie (196D). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. No significant differences in litter size at birth, at weaning, average weight per pig at weaning and weight of the sow were ob- served between strains and among treatments in both experiments. Highly significant (P €.01) differences were noted between the control groups and the treated groups, such that the sows given any of the three dose levels of DES exhibited heat earlier after wean- ing than the controls, Table 1. While the sows were not bred when they exhibited induced heat,it is pro- bable that the induced heat was accompanied by ovu- lation, the interval from induced heat to second heat being approximately the average of one estrual cycle length. 1519