Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il Experiment IT: In 1966 the possibilities of a complete synchronisation of oestrus were explored, P.M.S and HCG were used in combination with the I.C.I. 33.828 compound (table). To 4O gilts 1 mg compound per kg bodyweight was administered; to 15 sows 0,9 per kg bodyweight. On the pre-determined insemination daite “all animals were checked for heat symptoms. These symptoms were scored on a scale from 0-5 (table). In good a.i. practice animals with a "heat score" lower than 3 should not be inseminated. DISCUSSION. The synchronisation-indices (1) are rather low in experiment I, this may be due to generally lower fertility in the experimental herd during the trials. Because we experienced a lower synchronisation index for sows in experiment I we lowered the compound dose to 0,9 mg per kg bodyweight in experiment II. In experiment I cysts were never found in autopsied ovaria. In experiment II cysts were found in several slaughtered animals; those cysts are expected to be due to the medication with gonadotrophins. Five animals were found in heat after 2—2% months pregnancy. They were not mated during this heat period and delivered a normal litter from the mating after the synchronised heat. The decrease in suckling time, experienced on the lactating sows in experiment I, must be due to the compound administration. Probably the compound does not only block the release of gonadotrophins but also Tthat (0f OXy D CITIES In order to get a complete synchronisation of oestrus one should use the treatment combination of group B in experiment II. These animals are injected 750 I.U. P.M.S. the day after ending the 20 day compound feeding. Four days after ithe P.M:Se= injiection’ 500NETUCSHCG Y are injected, The "heat score" seems to be a good criterion to express the success of the synchronisation procedure. (1) D. SMIDT und J. STEINBACH, 1965. Symposium iliber kiinstliche Besamung bei Schweinen. Noordwi jk M630. 1501