Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. I OESTRUS SYNCHRONISATION AND MILK EJECTION IN PIGS TREATED WITH I.C.I. COMPOUND 33.828 AND GONADO- TROPHINS A. OSINGA, C. DE HAAN, W.A.G COP and TH. STEGENGA Department of Animal Husbandry, Agricultural University, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS INTRODUCTION. Nowadays people are very much ; interested in the oestrus synchronisation in pigs. This technique should offer better chances foxr-the application of A.I. in pigs and therefor also for the application of modern breeding schemes developed for a more efficient selection. Synchronisation of weaning time in sows already results in a simple and cheap way of oestrus synchronisation, but-idhe results are not consistent. The more recent methods developed for oestrus synchronisation are based upon the administration of gestagens during a certain period. This gesta- gen will inhibit the follicle development. EErble medication should be terminated at the same moment in the different sows, the follicle growth and ovulation will be synchronized. Originally pure crystalline progesteron was injected (1), later experiments were carried out with the orally administered derivatives of progesteron (M AP and C A P). There were large discrepancies between the results of the dicEferenct experiments and cysts were incidentally found on the ovaria. The Animal Husbandry Department of the Agri- cultural University at Wageningen carried out a few experiments using the I.C.TI.-compound number BTN BAS Ta (methylallyl)-2—methyldithio—carbamoyl hydrazine as a gestagen. (2,3). (1) (2} (3) — L.C. ULBERG, R.H. GRUMMER and L.E. CASIDA, 1951. Jie AN Ma B8 G HOS 665-671. C. DE HAAN and A. OSINGA, 1966. Veeteelt en Zuivelber. 9: 123-131. WEALG.COR, 1968 Neetien Zuivelben, - clilis 2025 1499