Experiment 2 was designed to assess whether the overall response to PMS was altered by the timing of the PMS injection in relation to sponge withdrawal. In both groups a Veramix (medroxy-progesterone acetate - MAP) sponge was inserted for a period of 14 days. In Group 1, 1500 i.u. PMS was given on sponge withdrawal and the ewes were put with the ram for mating at the first synchronized oestrus. In Group 2, 1500 i.u. PMS was given 14 days af'ter sponge withdrawal and the ewes were put with the ram for mating at the second synchronized oestrus. Table 3 shows the results of Experiment 2. The proportion of ewes lambing to the first synchronised oestrus was 79%, compared with 92% for ewes lambing after mating at the second synchronised oestrus: this differ- ence was not significant, nor was the mean litter size significantly affected. Each group of ewes was left with the rams for two successive oestrus periods. The ewes in Group I that did not become pregnant at the first mating all lambed to the mating at the second oestrus period when they would no longer have been superovulated. There was no significant difference between the lambing percentages. The last table (table 4) shows the effect of the ram on the mean litter size of superovulated ewes. The data are from a previous paper (Newton and Betts, J. Reprod. Fert., in press) and from Experiments 1 and 2. One Suffolk ram, S.81, consistently produced more lambs per ewe lambing than any of the other five rams used. The overall mean litter size for S.81 was 2.70, when mated with 6L superovulated ewes, compared with 2.23 for the other 5 rams (2 Suffolks, 2 Southdowns and 1 Dorset Horn, mated with 110 superovulated ewes). At no time was any ram put with more than 12 synchronised ewes per week. This outstanding ram produced significantly fewer single lambs and significantly more triplets and above. ettt et ettt e ettt et et TABLE 1 EXPT. 1 The effect of Pregnant Mare Serum (PMS) on mean litter size e e R e e T R e W G S S e T sk Group Number Ewes lambs Mean % of ewes of ewes lambing born litter with 3 or size more lambs A LIR00 K. 0. -+ 65 50 (77%) 120 2.40 40 PMS) 3k 3 B (O PMS) 60 ue (77%) 71 1.54 0