RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a) Oestrous response and conception rate. The results of using hormone treatment during the breed- ing season to synchronise oestrus in non-lactating sheep have been extensively described; conception rates usually exceeding 70%. By contrast TABLE I contains the results of our most recent study with lactating ewes and shows that although lact- ating ewes were capable of exhibiting a high oestrous response (74.0% and 75,8%) conception rates were generally low (22,7% and 13,6%). The difference between conception rates in lact- ating ewes in and out of the breeding season was not signif- icant, TABLE T Qestrus and conception in lactating ewes % mated ewes with live lambs No., ewes % ocestrus 29 75.8 60 7440 Date during the breeding season refers to the first post- partum oestrus. Breeding season Out of season b) Ova recovery and fertilisation., The results of ova recovery experiments are given in TABLE 2a, At 36 hours after the onset of oestrus in treated lactating sheep 70,0% of the ova were recovered and their stage of development would suggest that the time of ovulation in relation to oestrus is normal and in agreement with other authors. At 72 hours after the onset of oestrus in treated lactating sheep only 56.2% of the ova were recovered, There was a significant seasonal difference (P & .005) in the number of ewes with a complete loss of ova at 72 hours thus treatment or lactation does not appear to influence the tubal transport of ova. The results of ova fertilisation are given in TABLE 2b. Lactation leads to a reduction in fertilisation, 87,0% of all ova from non-lactating sheep were fertilised compared with 58,9% in lactating sheep, the difference is significant (P < «005). Season and treatment appear to have little effect on fertilisation, When lactation and seasonal anoestrus are concurrent the combined effects of faulty tubal transport and lowered fertil- isation accompanied by the higher degree of embryo mortelity known to occur during lactation are responsible for the poor conception rates obtained, 1488