Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il ceived.One could attribute this result to the lack of proper timing of insemination in relation to the time of ovulation.However,the successive inseminations,which were repeated every I2 hours during the whole period of the probable time of ovulation,eliminate this possibili=- ty.Moreover,the abnormal duration of induced oestrus was not the only phenomenon produced by the high dose of PMS.The milk production also of the individuals in groups B & C,which exhibited prolonged oestrus and did not conceive,dropped sharply in contrast with the ewes of the group A and these of groups B & C which conceiv- ed,the milk production of which extended over a period of two more months, Another indication of the unfavourable influence of the high PMS,dose,is the low conception rate (42,8%) in group C by natural mating during the returns(Fig.I/B). The above agree with Lamond(3),who suggested that the inceased PMS dose may cause hormonal imbalance leading not only to prolonged oestrus but also to genital tract abnormalities that may reduce fertility. As for the lambing percentage the differences between the experimental groups were not significant(TableZ). Nevertheless,if it is taken into consideration that group C consisted of ewes which had single lambs in the previous year,it could be said that a certain positive influence of the increased PMS dose on lambing percent- age was revealed, No significant differences were observed in the length of the gestation period and the sex-ratio between the experimental groups(Table 4),The mean gestation period in the experimental groups was 2,5 days shorter than that of control M,Although the difference is highly si- gnificant(P<0,0I),this might be due to the effect of a- nother factor not directly related to the hormonal treatment, REFERENCES I).Belevickii,G.S.Kuksova,R.I.I963.0vcevodstvo,9(IO). 2).Lambourne,L.J,1955.N.Z,J.Sci.T.Agr.37-187-195 .Lamond,D.R.I963.J.Repr.Fertil.?,171-183. .Lamond,D.R.I96h.J.Repr.Fertil.S,IOI-IIh. ,Robinson,T.J,I195I.J.,Agr,.Sci.,4I,G. .Robinson,T.J.I954a,Austr,.J,Agr,Research5, .Robinson,T.J,I1959.Cole &nd P.T.Cupps,Academic Press New York, N Nt FW 1485